我院硕士研究生朱亚洁作为第一作者撰写的论文“PBR: A Personalized Book Resource Recommendation System”被APWeb-WAIM 2018会议录用并受邀做系统展示报告。
朱亚洁于2018年7月23日-2018年7月25日参加在澳门特别行政区举行的APWeb-WAIM 2018会议。APWeb和WAIM分别是“亚太Web大会”和“Web时代信息管理大会”的简称,已各自连续召开了17届,均属于CCF C类会议,在数据库相关领域在国际同行中具有较好口碑。两个国际会议从2017年起联合召开,会议旨在吸引与网络和大数据相关的专业人士分析和交流思想、经验、底层技术和应用程序,包括Web技术、数据库系统、信息管理、软件工程和大数据等。
Recommendation system is widely applied for online resource retrieval, especially in digital publishing industry. A good recommendation system can help the users to e?ciently ?nd the desirable reading materials from the massive online resources. However, the conventional recommendation systems are always facing the cold-start problem, and it is di?cult to provide the personalized service in an e?cient way, since the users’ preference may change sometimes. To address the problems above, this work introduces a personalized book resource recommendation system, which well utilizes the tag information of book resources to interact with the users. The user feedback will deliver their real-time preference, and the system can provide more precise recommendation candidates to improve the service quality. In this demo, we will introduce the overall framework and some important modules of the recommendation system, with relevant technical details. We will show the system functions by providing the visual results of the actual book resource recommendation.